Nivverwas Valley Tramway
When I started modelling in N gauge, I lived in Leeds. The Midland and North Eastern Railways had driven north from Leeds across West and North Yorkshire and into the Pennine hills. The scenery is wild and beautiful, and the communities remote. I was struck by the way the smaller gauge could make you feel you were part of the scene – one layout I saw, I almost felt I'd come across it on my walks up the Pennine Way. Of course, it nivver was, but then this is my imaginary world!
My first exhibition model was Kirkagnes, the northwestern terminus of the Tramway. Several years later came Beamends Colliery. But I have further ideas –– if my health, eyesight etc. last long enough!
There has to be a junction with the main line – possibly to be included in my next home layout, not for exhibition. There needs to be a junction station (“Braunstone-in-Nivverwas”) where the lines to Beamends and Kirkagnes converge at one end, and those to the main line junction and the harbour at the other end. I'd like to try my hand at a gradient for one or two of these lines.
What harbour? I've just modelled a fishing port with a dockside terminus and a ferry as well as some small fishing boats. It's called Herrenscar Harbour. And I've also built Howling Moor Dam as a simple snow-covered moving diorama.